AI Face


You have a lot of pictures of people? Managing people images takes a lot of time? Then you should get to know AI Face! Thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI), you completely automate the management of personal assets!

AI Face

Person recognition

AI Face is an AI-based service within our Product Experience Suite OMN. The service enables you to automatically recognize people depicted in images with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). This way you can quickly and easily access and view photos related to a specific person.

Artificial Intelligence Face scans assets for faces and people, groups recognized visually similar faces, and then matches them to the appropriate person within OMN’s people database.

If it happens that a face recognition or the assignment to a person is not possible, then AI Face tries to make suggestions about who it could be. The recommendations can then be confirmed manually. Thanks to deep learning, AI Face is able to train itself through manual confirmations and achieve more and more hits over time.

Just experience it live and let us convince you.

For whom interesting?


Don’t waste any more time on assigning your fashion and models. AI Face automatically detects which model gives life to your clothes.


No more uncertainties with people photos, because with the automatic detection you create DSGVO-compliant people images for your content marketing!


Concentrate on the essentials: The photo shoot! Artificial Intelligence Face takes over the identification of the pictured persons for you fully automatically.

This is what AI Face looks like



No more manual work. The AI identifies the people pictured and learns with each new face.


You no longer have to worry about whether the people pictured may be used.


Quickly find needed people photos and get started with social media storytelling.


Make the most of your people photos, because no digital asset remains undiscovered in folders anymore.

Our image connectors


Popken Fashion Group

AI Mask releases images

“The speed and quality of the AI service are unbeatable – the focus for us was clearly on shortening the “time-to-market.” The fact that we also saved costs with AI Mask topped it all off.”

Stephan Tournée, Advertising Department Manager/Trainer – Graphics Department/Photography Studio at Popken Fashion Group


AI-supported processes

“We are not only users of the AI ​​services. We also bring our many years of experience and professional expertise to bear in order to constantly improve and expand the AI ​​services with apollon. By bundling our know-how and intelligently combining our services, our customers can benefit optimally from the current status of our group-wide R&D activities at any time. What drives us is a common vision: The real-time generation of visual content!”

Peter Schellhorn, CMO at Meyle+Müller

Pforzheimer Zeitung


“It’s amazing how fast it goes! We send the image for cropping and a few seconds later we get the cropped image! I had no idea how great this works. AI Mask makes many things easier for us in contrast to the previous work processes. If you only imagine how fashion companies benefit from this, which have to release over thousands of images every day. The positive effect with large quantities is clearly noticeable.”

Magnus Schlecht, Chief Digital Officer PZ-Medien at J. Esslinger GmbH & Co. KG

All AI-Services at a glance

AI Categorizer

Classify your items automatically and leave the classification of your products and product groups to the AI Categorizer.

AI Tagging

Why keywording manually when it can also be automated? AI Tagger recognizes your image content by itself after uploading it to the DAM system!

AI Translate

Translate product information automatically and in real time! One click and the translation is available in the target language.

AI Text

Generate emotional product texts from granular product information quickly, cost-effectively and with high variance using text robots.

AI Training

Customized AI! Thanks to individual training, you get exactly the custom models you need for your business.

AI Mask

Let the AI remove disturbing backgrounds. AI Mask is your solution for automated image cropping!

AI Image

Automate your manual image processing and perform retouching steps via freely definable workflows.

AI Layout

Layout creation different – maximally automated and individualized by means of customer weights! Without templates, because the AI does the layout.

AI Face

You have a lot of people photos? Artificial Intelligence Face automatically recognizes faces and matches them within the OMN people database.



How is artificial intelligence (AI) changing marketing? What is the basis for using AI? How does AI differ from machine learning? And are there specific areas of application for AI in marketing that are already possible today? Norbert Weckerle, CEO at apollon, shares his know-how with you!


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